Migration from V2
Learn the differences between V2 and V3 of the Insurance API and how to migrate.
Environment Naming
v2 staging environment was called: api-int
We now refer to this environment as api-uat and use the base url:
Cover Statuses in V3:
Old Status | New Status | Migration Needs |
- | Assessing | Handling new status. Occurs when the cover is still be created in the system or awaiting manual review. Suggest to poll with exponential backoff. |
Pending | Quoted | Mapping required. |
- | Cancelled | Handling new status. Occurs when an activated cover is cancelled. V2 this would result in status of "rejected". |
Rejected | Refused | Mapping required. Refused is used to show when the API rejects the quote. "rejected" will only be used when the user rejects a quote before activation. |
- | Revoked | Handling new status. Occurs when an activated cover is revoked by the insurer. V2 this would result in status of "cancelled" with a "cancelledReason" being "revoked". |
New fields added to cover response:
statusReasons: []
This field replaces the rejectedReasons field. Additionally statusReasons field is used in any situation where multiple reasons for a status are given.
Claim Status changes in V3:
Old Status | New Status | Migration Needs |
Waiting Approved CollectionOnly Rejected Paid Pending | Assessing | Mapping required. Due to the manual process of claim handling we have focused on making claim submission more complete in this version and simplifying the claim statuses needed to be handled. This will allow claims to be universal across all markets. |
Company UUID's
In this version of the API when requesting a cover the uuid used will be the EH id's and not the previously used SIC ID. Sometimes you will see this as labeled the "eulerId".
EH id's are 6-10 digits in length and uniquely identify a company in our database. It is also the default id used for all of Allianz Trade.
EH id's is always provided in the externalId's field of a company search in V2. Please save the EH id in your database for all companies used in previous covers.
POST instead of PUT
In our v2 version, we used PUT for endpoints that triggered a change in the status of a quote/cover. To unify our v3 API, POST will be used instead of PUT for all action endpoints. This includes:
Updated over 2 years ago