Reasons for Quote Rejection
Learn why your quote was rejected and what steps can be taken to try again.
Why was my quote rejected?
There can be several reasons for a quote to be rejected. It is even possible that multiple reasons exist. All reasons will be sent at once for review in the statusReasons array.
Informative Only
As reasons and their descriptions can change overtime, we recommend that you do not apply any logic or rules based the statusReasons array. Use only for informative purposes.
Generic responses
Several rejection reasons intentionally have the true rejected reason obfuscated (written as "Not insurable") as some information cannot be shared directly with you the client.
Rejection Reasons
Reason | Next Steps | Code |
Not insurable due to buyer in state of default | Check that the buyer does not have any claims. A buyer must be claim free before requesting a new quote. | 1014, 1023 |
Buyer and Seller share a group head company link | None. | 1028 |
Maximum Buyer Limit Reached | Check Get Coverage Credit Line for the buyer. If you have existing covers on the same buyer that have been paid but not settled, please settle those covers using Settle Cover. | 1206, 1301 |
Maximum Seller Limit Reached | The threshold limit set on this Seller and associated Buyer has been reached. When it occurs, you can request our Team to raise a new limit for this seller. Note, also that this limit can be different depending the buyer risk profile for the same seller. | |
No active envelope found for this buyer | No active envelope found for this buyer | 1203 |
Temporary error, please try again in a few minutes | Temporary error, please try again in a few minutes | 503 |
Not insurable for this seller or buyer | None. Either one of the companies are not insurable, but not both. | 1017 |
Not insurable for this seller and buyer | None. The combination or both of these companies are not insurable. | 1017 |
Not insurable for this buyer | Check Get Coverage Credit Line for the buyer. | 1012 |
Seller Not In Whitelist | The seller has not be requested for whitelisting or has been denied. | 1003 |
Buyer country is not allowed | None. Your policy does not allow for insuring buyers found in this country. | 1212 |
Not insurable: due date is in the past | None. | 1083 |
Request exceeds Invoice threshold for this buyer | None. | 1016 |
Cover duration of the quote cannot be higher than the maximum cover duration allowed by the policy. | Check you policy maximum for this value and consider which invoices you submit for insurance. | 1029 |
Not insurable: invoice due date too old. | None. | 1005 |
Not insurable: missing information about the buyer. | Ask you account manager to look into what information is needed to complete the quote request. | 1082 |
Not insurable: the quote request is too close to the due date of the invoice. | None. | 1030, 1035 |
Quote exceeds threshold. | None. | 1016 |
Invoice amount exceeds remaining allowed envelope for this buyer. | You can request a higher envelope and if it is increased, request additional insurance. | 1020 |
Invoice amount exceeds remaining allowed envelope. | None. | 1020 |
Not insurable: buyer or seller is closed. | Check to see the buyer has not created a new operating entity recently and contact us for a review. Otherwise the buyer is listed as no longer in operation. | 1081 |
Duplicate Invoice Found | Retry in the following day (for same invoice) or correct the information of the invoice if it is a new one | 1097 |
Buyer not insurable recent creation date | None. That given buyer was recently established so it has higher risk, not accepted in terms of risk. |
Updated 12 months ago