Event Data sent to your application from us.
What is a webhook?
A web-hook is a callback to your application that allows our service to communicate a variety of important events related to coverage, grading, company search, etc. Web-hooks are a more efficient solution than polling to find out when a job has completed.
Currently available web-hook types include:
How do I receive webhooks?
In order for us to send web-hooks to your application, you will need to create an HTTP web-hook endpoint (URL) and define a clientSecret
Web-hook URL
- Accepts a POST HTTP request with the following payload body:
{ "CoverId": "564200aa-7128-4a26-83a8-cf0201903fcc" }
- Use HTTPS with a TLS version >= 1.2.
- Ensure public access or whitelist the following IP Addresses in your firewall:
Client Secret
- This is a Bearer token defined in the Authentication section. The token you provide will be used when sending a web-hook.
Web-hooks are authenticated using a customer-defined Bearer <token>
as an HTTP header. We recommend this token be unique for each web-hook type and that your application validates the token on each callback.
Guidelines for the token:
- Expiration: Consider a time interval allowing renewal every six months to avoid missing web-hooks.
- Scope: Limit the scope of the token to the lowest access level necessary for processing.
If not using a Base64 encoded string, allowed characters for the token are:
- Alpha
- Numeric
Authorization: Bearer <token>
The payload contains the event data sent with the web-hook. Each web-hook type includes the relevant payload data about the affected resource.
Payloads are JSON-formatted and included as the request body.
Payload Example
"confirmationId": "uuid",
"status": "PENDING"
Additional headers included in the web-hook:
: Current API version (e.g.,3.0
: Always set toapplication/json
X-APIVersion: 3.0
Content-Type: application/json
Retry Policy
If a web-hook fails to reach your endpoint, we retry up to 10 times using an exponential backoff starting at 30 seconds.
Subscribe to Webhooks
Subscribe to an Event
To subscribe to the COVER_STATUS_CHANGED
event (for example), send a POST
request to the /v3/settings/webhooks
endpoint with the following details:
POST /v3/settings/webhooks HTTP/1.1
Host: {{root-url}}
Content-Type: application/json
apikey: {{coverage-api-key}}
"callbackUrl": "{{webhook-url}}",
"httpVerb": "POST",
"authorizationHeaderName": "{{header-name}}",
"authorizationHeaderValue": "{{header-value}}"
Expected response: 200 OK
Get Subscribed Events
To retrieve a list of your current web-hook subscriptions, send a GET
request to the /v3/settings/webhooks
GET /v3/settings/webhooks HTTP/1.1
Host: {{root-url}}
apikey: {{coverage-api-key}}
Expected response: 200 OK
Response Example
"callbackUrl": "https://webhook.site/example",
"httpVerb": "POST",
"authorizationHeaderName": "Authorization",
"authorizationHeaderValue": "123"
Update a Subscription
To update an existing subscription, send a PUT
request to the same /v3/settings/webhooks
endpoint. Use the same payload structure as when creating a subscription.
Verifying Webhook Signatures
To enhance security, we include an additional HTTP header: ATP-SIGNATURE
. This header contains an HMAC hash of the web-hook payload.
Generating the Secret Key
To generate a secret key, send a POST
request to the /v3/settings/secret
POST /v3/settings/secret?version=3 HTTP/1.1
Host: {{root-url}}
Content-Type: application/json
apikey: {{coverage-api-key}}
"secret": "<value>"
Example: Verifying the Signature
You can use the generated secret key to verify the HMAC signature in the ATP-SIGNATURE
header. Here's an example in PHP:
$payload = '{payload}';
$secret = '{secret}';
$hash_mac = hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, $secret);
Make sure to verify that the calculated hash matches the value in the ATP-SIGNATURE
header before processing the payload.
Updated 3 months ago