
A list of possible errors that can occur when making requests.

CodeDescriptionNext Steps
304Not ModifiedRelated to a resource which cannot be changed in status or state. Try Get Cover by Id and see what the current status is before choosing your next request. Review Statuses.
400Bad RequestReview the relevant API method and confirm you have used all required parameters.
401UnauthorizedCheck your API key to make sure it is correct.
404Not FoundMake sure you are using the correct environment id's.
408Request TimeoutIf you tried to create a quote , use the Get All Quotes/Covers and review if a new quote exists with the relevant asset data.

If you attempted a company search, retry the search with exponential backoff.
409ConflictRequest again a new cover with the same details. Check to see that a duplicate cover does not exist.
422Unprocessable EntityReview your request parameters and check the status of the resource you are trying to modify.
500Internal Server ErrorUsually service unavailable due to a specific request format error or a configuration on your account needs to be enabled.
503Service UnavailableCan be related to current deployment on the environment. Retry in a few minutes. Contact support if your response remains 503.
504Gateway TimeoutOur upstream connection to an internal server did not respond in time.

If you tried to create a quote , use the Get All Quotes/Covers and review if a new quote exists with the relevant asset data.

If you attempted a company search, retry the search with exponential backoff.