
Learn what an envelop is and how to manage envelopes.



ICE API Key required for envelope requests

Your Coverage Key does not work with envelope requests. Please request access to ICE Key and use this key instead.


Below is the flowchart for a envelope lifecycle.

  1. An "envelope" is requested using the Request Envelope or inside the customer portal.
  2. The envelope status can be either "Assessing", "Refused" or "Cancelled".
  3. If the envelope is "Assessing", you must wait and poll for the status of this envelope using Get Envelope by Id.
  4. Once the status becomes "Active" your envelope is ready and can be consumed using Request Quote.
  5. The envelope will remain "Active" until you decide to Cancel Envelope.
  6. If you consume the entire envelope with quote requests then you can request to increase the envelope using Request Envelope again for the same buyer with a higher amount.


Notes on envelopes

  • Your envelope will replace the pre-approved cover limits for the buyer.
  • It is possible that your envelope is cancelled from the insurer side. For envelopes with the status "Cancelled", refer to the "cancelledBy" field in the response body to know the source of cancellation.

Refusal of Envelopes

If a envelope is refused, it can be due to numerous reasons. We can only share so much information about the refusal reasons as it pertains to your request.