Cover Status Update

A notification when a cover status changes.


Use Case

When you want to receive real-time updates about the status changes of coverages, you can use this webhook. Once subscribed, you'll receive notifications whenever a cover status changes, enabling you to track updates without polling.


The cover status webhook sends a POST request to your server when there is a change in cover status.

For more information about registering webhooks, please see the Web-hooks guide.

Subscribe to Event

To subscribe to the COVER_STATUS_CHANGED event, send a POST request to the /v3/settings/webhooks endpoint with the following details:


POST /v3/settings/webhooks HTTP/1.1
Host: {{root-url}}
Content-Type: application/json
apikey: {{coverage-api-key}}
    "eventType": "COVER_STATUS_CHANGED",
    "callbackUrl": "{{webhook-url}}",
    "httpVerb": "POST",
    "authorizationHeaderName": "{{header-name}}",
    "authorizationHeaderValue": "{{header-value}}"

Expected response: 200 OK

Get Subscribed Events

Retrieve a list of your current webhook subscriptions by sending a GET request to the /v3/settings/webhooks endpoint.


GET /v3/settings/webhooks HTTP/1.1
Host: {{root-url}}
apikey: {{coverage-api-key}}

Expected response: 200 OK

Response Example

        "eventType": "COVER_STATUS_CHANGED",
        "callbackUrl": "",
        "httpVerb": "POST",
        "authorizationHeaderName": "Authorization",
        "authorizationHeaderValue": "123"

Webhook Payload Example

When a cover status changes, the following payload will be sent to your specified callbackUrl:

  "coverId": "5db7873e-16a2-41e4-acf0-e446bc0c5aef",
  "status": "Expired",
  "notificationId": "382e7554-b150-4037-9b1a-c2efc93b7ea3",
  "notificationTimestamp": "2024-11-07T15:18:12.9392875Z"

You can now get the cover details by calling Get Cover By ID.

Supported Cover Statuses

  • Quoted
  • Refused
  • Expired (when proposalValidityDate field is in the past)
  • Claimed (when claimableUntil field is in the past)
  • TimeBarred

For notifications on decisions made after Assessing status, subscribe to Cover Assessment Completed. Note that this event won’t include the cover status; call Get Cover By ID to retrieve the status.