Cover Assessment Completed

A notification when a cover request has a response other than pending.



Use Case

When you use the Request Quote endpoint you can:

  • Poll for the status using Get Cover By ID or
  • Use this web-hook for status notifications.


The cover assessment webhook will send a POST request to your server.

For more information about registering web-hooks, please see the Web-hooks guide.

Authorization: Bearer <token>

    "coverId": "uuid",
    "status": "Quoted"
Authorization: Bearer <token>

    "coverId": "uuid",
    "status": "Refused"

You can now get the cover status by calling Get Cover By ID .

StatusDefinitionNext Steps
QuotedThe cover has been offered.Choose if you want to Activate Cover or Reject Cover the cover.
RefusedThe cover has not been offered. There are multiple possible reasons for rejection but most cases are due to buyer grading being insufficient.None.