Gets a new quote for a given buyer, seller and invoice. The buyer, seller and invoice details are specified as JSON in the request body.

The Request Quote endpoint provides the means for users to obtain insurance coverage quotes for invoices.


Dealing with daylight saving

Please note that when dealing with dates, the timezone may need special attention as changes to daylight savings time may affect the overall quote duration.

Once these are submitted to the endpoint via a POST request, will provide a quote response, which will include information about whether or not the quote was accepted and the pricing (see the "Results" section above for a sample response).

The 'status' field in the response will inform the user as to the outcome of the request. The two most important values for this field after issuing a request for a quote are "Pending" and "Rejected". (There are other values for this field; please see the Get Cover By ID page for a full list of the status types.)


Pricing in the Sandbox

Please note that if you're using our Sandbox environment for development or testing, the pricing returned in our Sandbox environment may not be reflective or indicative of the true pricing, or availability of coverage. Quotes in the Sandbox environment are not binding.


The "Pending" result means that is able to provide coverage for this particular invoice. The cost of the coverage is also supplied with the response.

Users then will evaluate the cost based on their requirements and decide whether or not to proceed. Quotes are valid for a set period (dictated by your policy); at any time during this period they can be accepted (or rejected) by the user. After the period, the quote will automatically be expired by the system and will no longer be available; a new quote will need to be made for the invoice.

If the user is happy with the quote and wishes to proceed, the next step is to Activate the coverage. Alternatively, if coverage is not required for this invoice, the Reject method would be used.

Output fieldDescription
currencyCurrency of the policy
quotedAtQuotation timestamp showing what time the quote was delivered
durationThe period of coverage (in days) that is being offered. Typically, coverage is calculated to the invoice due date. For example, coverage starting today and due tomorrow would return a duration of 2
bpsperdayThe rate we are offering for insurance in "basis points per day"
coverPriceThe total cost of the coverage (inclusive of any fees and taxes).
serviceFeeRateService fee on insurance rate excluding VAT
serviceFeeService fee on insurance amount excluding VAT
serviceFeeVatRateVAT rate applied on the service fee
serviceFeeVatAmountVAT amount applied on the service fees
collectionFeeRateCollection fee rate excluding VAT
collectionFeeAmountCollection fee amount excluding VAT
collectionFeeVatRateVAT rate applied on the collection fee
collectionFeeVatAmountVAT amount applied on the collection fee
vatVAT amount applied on the service fees (deprecated: duplicate of serviceFeeVatAmount)
insuranceTaxAmountInsurance tax amount
insuranceTaxRateInsurance tax rate


The "Rejected" result means that cannot provide coverage for the supplied invoice.

If an invoice is marked as rejected, it will also include a new "rejectedby" field in the coverage section with the name of the rejecting party. If it's rejected by the API, this field will typically be "", but if it's rejected by the user it will be simply be "User".

The common rejection reasons from are the following:

  • Not insurable.
  • Not insurable: the buyer has an unpaid invoice past the maximum days defined by your policy.
  • Not insurable: cover duration cannot be shorter than the minimum cover duration allowed by policy.
  • Buyer and Seller share a group head company link.
  • Not insurable: missing information about the buyer.
  • Not insurable: Cover end date cannot be further than the maximum allowed by policy.
  • Not insurable: invoice due date too old.
  • Maximum exposure reached.
  • Quote exceeds threshold
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!