Returns all covers of the customer in JSON according to filters defined in the query parameters.

This method allows you to retrieve a list of all the coverages that are associated with your account in JSON format.

This will include a complete list of every coverage, including quotes that have not be activated.

The list can be filtered based on the following parameters

  • Page: Current page to use for pagination of results. Page numbers start at 0.

The following filters are not yet implemented but will be available in a future update:

  • Status: filter based on a specific status (e.g., "pending" will list all coverages that have not yet been activated or rejected)
  • From: filter coverages starting from this date, supplied as an ISO 8601 timestamp
  • To: filter coverages up to this date, supplied as an ISO 8601 timestamp

Use the By ID API to retrieve information on the buyer and seller.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!