Sandbox Environment

Information on the Sandbox.

The Sandbox environment is a complete environment that allows users to test the methods safely.

To start testing, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Sign up for a Sandbox account in our Developer Portal at .
  2. Once you've verified your email address, you'll need to wait for your account to be approved (this usually happens very quickly during business hours).
  3. When your account is approved, you'll be able to log into the Developer Portal and create a Coverage API Key.
  4. Reference the Sandbox API endpoint - - in your code.
  5. Start searching for companies, requesting quotes, and more!


Important note regarding Company IDs uses GUIDs (e.g., e11ce689-fed9-f788-4ab9-a6088388afc4) to uniquely identify companies.

Please note that due to the way GUIDs are created, the same company will have a different GUID between our environments.

This means that if you search for a company by an External ID (for example, a SIREN or UK Companies House registration number), the GUID returned in our Sandbox environment will be different to the GUID you get in our production environment.

Simulation Mode

Our Sandbox environment may sometimes be running in "Simulation mode". This means that instead of testing against the usual "live" testing endpoint we have internally for company information, we're instead using a pre-defined data set that have fixed grades.

This may occasionally lead to unusual results (for example, companies that are known to be financially very strong may sometimes present as weak or even out of business, and vice versa).

You can check to see if Simulation mode is enabled by looking at the response headers - when it is on, we send the following header:

X-SimulationMode: on

When Simulation Mode is not on in the Sandbox, the results you get will still come from a testing environment but will tend to be more realistic, as they simply come from an older set of company data.