Release 2022/05/24

New Features

Verify Address endpoint allows for verification of an address to a specific company. In some cases the shipping and billing address are different but need to be reviewed.

Breaking changes

OldNewNext Steps
Search by Name

Response body:
"externalIds": [
"externalId": "01986283",
"externalService": "CRO",
"isPrincipal": true
Response body:
"companyIdentifiers": [
"idValue": "01986283",
"idTypeCode": "CRO",
"isPrincipal": true
Mapping of keys:

- externalIds to companyIdentifiers
- externalId to idValue
- externalService to idTypeCode
Search by EHID

Response body:
"externalIds": [
"externalId": "01986283",
"externalService": "CRO",
"isPrincipal": true
Response body:
"companyIdentifiers": [
"idValue": "01986283",
"idTypeCode": "CRO",
"isPrincipal": true
Mapping of keys:

- externalIds to companyIdentifiers
- externalId to idValue
- externalService to idTypeCode
Search by Company Id

Response body:
"externalIds": [
"externalId": "01986283",
"externalService": "CRO",
"isPrincipal": true
Response body:
"companyIdentifiers": [
"idValue": "01986283",
"idTypeCode": "CRO",
"isPrincipal": true
Mapping of keys:

- externalIds to companyIdentifiers
- externalId to idValue
- externalService to idTypeCode
List Company Id Services

Path: /v3/lookups/services
List Company Id Services

Path: /v3/lookups/companyIdentifiers
Change path routing in your integration.

Bug Fixes

Portal: When in the Activated tab, searching by buyerId works again when attempting to settle a cover.

API: We now return a 200 OK even if PartiesInformation field is empty.